Barslen er slut
Så gik der et vidunderligt år sammen med min lille dreng på fuld tid. Jeg takker min Baldur Leó for denne særlige tid. Nu er jeg tilbage hos min kunst, og jeg glæder mig over at skabe nye malerier og porcelænskunst til spændende projekter i det nye år. Jeg byder 2025 velkommen.
Austa Lea deltager i Galleri Orange gruppe-juleudstilling. Lørdag d. 02.12.23 kl. 14-16.
Art By Austa Lea will attend ARTEXPO NEW YORK April 7-10 2022 with two paintings.
“C I S” 80x100 cm, acrylic on canvas and “PUFFIN” 80x100 cm acrylic and mixed media on canvas.
New painting ready for exhibition in Paris.
The Icelandic cat is ready to fly.
“ICELANDIC CAT” 80x100 cm. Acrylic on canvas, gold.
Im very proud to tell that I have sighed with the Van Gogh Art Gallery, Madrid.
I'm honored that my art will be hanging on the walls of this beautiful gallery. Futhermore, Van Gogh Art Gallery is to represent me at the International Compentarry Art Fair in Paris in January 2022.
New exhibition with M.A.D.S Art Gallery, Milan
I am pleased to announce that Art By Austa Lea is part of the exclusive exhibition "HYSTERICA" at M.A.D.S Art Gallery in Milan. The exhibition runs from 19 November to 30 November.
Link to artist-profile at M.A.D.S Art Gallery press her: Art By Austa Lea Artist Profile
I’m very exited and honored to announce that I’ve been invited by the Curatorial Board to participate in The Florence Biennale contemporary art and design exhibition in Florence, Italy! I’m busy preparing everything because I’m leaving soon! The exhibition is held from 23th October - 1st of November 2021! I can’t wait!
The Florence Biennale is one of the world's leading contemporary art exhibitions which has been held every second year under the patronage of the European Parliament, Italian Commission for UNESCO, Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tuscany Region, and Municipality of Florence.
GALLA EVEING to help the children in India! Im very happy and honoured to be asked by this amazing NGO to donate one of my paintings to this important cause. The event is hosted by the loving Ole Henriksen, d. 18. september 2021 at Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport.
GADENS BØRN are a non-profit organization that works to improve the living conditions of street children in Kolkata, India. They primarily rely on the hard work of volunteers. They work hard to make a big difference. Help us help others.
Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport
d. 18. september 2021
Im Happy to have my next exhibition at Copenhagen Art Space 3-6 April 2021, DOCKEN
Jeg er glad for at kunne offentliggøre at jeg er udvalgt til at udstille på dette års ART NORDIC.
Velkommen til Art Nordic
Nordeuropas største kunstmesse
Lokomotivværkstedet, i hjertet af København, danner ramme om Skandinaviens største salgs- og kunstmesse når Art Nordic d. 27. – 29. marts 2020 slår dørene op for 250 udstillere. Kunstnere fra mere end 20 nationer sikrer en exceptionel multikulturel atmosfære. Oplev en enestående mulighed for at komme helt tæt på både kunstnere og værker fra den danske og internationale scene.
Er du ude efter inspiration eller leder du efter dit nye drømmeværk? Slå vejen forbi lokomotivværkstedet den sidste weekend i marts, så lover vi at du vil gå beriget derfra.
“Midnight Raven” 100x90cm. Acrylic on canvas. Will be for sale at ART NORDIC d. 27. – 29. marts 2020
Nørrebrohallen d. 10 december kl 11-17
D. 19-20 maj sælger Austa Lea sine nye kunsttryk hos WE DO CRAFT
Photo by Søren Rønholt
New art in the making - Will be for sale at ART NORDIG, d. 27.- 29. marts
“PRAY” 100x100 cm, acrylic on canvas. Will be for sale at ART NORDIG