Exhibition - VAN GOGH Art Gallery, Madrid.
It's a great honor to be part of this beautiful exclusive group exhibition in Madrid at the VAN GOGH Art Gallery.
My raven has flown all the way to Spain and is in the exhibition throughout the month of May, 2022.
International Contemporary art fair art3f - Paris Expo!
Thanks to my gallery Vang Gogh Art Gallery for representing me at this event. It was a great pleasure to meet the other talented artists. Now my next exhibition will be at the Van Gogh Art Gallery in Madrid, for an exclusive group exhibition.
I C E L A N D I C C A T 100 x 80 cm, acrylic on canvas, golden wood frame.
Art By Austa Lea and M.A.D.S. Art Gallery, Milano
I'm very excited about being a part of this super cool exhibition “HYSTERICA” in Milano, Italy.
M.A.D.S Art Gallery is an innovative digital art gallery, run by some very cool ladies! They invite the viewer to experience art on a large scale with the possibility to scroll in and out of the artwork on a touchscreen, revealing every small detail of the painting. This amazing art-universe is combined with sounds and music fitting the sensation of “HYSTERICA”.
The exhibition runs from the 9th to the 30th of november 2021.
Art By Austa Lea and Florence Biennale
10 intense days in Florence are well over. It has been a fantastic experience to be exhibiting artists for such a large and prestigious event.
I’m very exited and honored to announce that I’ve been invited by the Curatorial Board to participate in The Florence Biennale contemporary art and design exhibition in Florence, Italy! The Florence Biennale is one of the world's leading contemporary art exhibitions which has been held every second year under the patronage of the European Parliament, Italian Commission for UNESCO, Italian Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Tuscany Region, and Municipality of Florence.
I have gained new knowledge and experience, and met a lot of wonderful people - new warmhearted friends in the art world that I really appreciate. My art has been seen and talked about to thousands of visitors. New opportunities are open for future exhibitions abroad!
Im thankful for this recognition and rest my tired feet. Now Im looking forward to start preparing for new projects- I will tell more about it in the near future.
A huge thank you to my beloved husband who has been a great support throughout the trip. And to my mother and sister who came all the way to Italy to support me. And also a huge thank you to all of you near and far who have cheered and sent love. I am touched and grateful.
The best audience! Our future - then I know I did it right!
And had my first arts interview, with sharp questions from the kids!
Paintings for the exhibition
Concepts of Femininity in Contemporary Art and Design
The theme of the XIIIth edition of the Florence Biennale, which will be held from 23 to 31 October 2021 at the Fortezza da Basso in Florence, focuses on the polychrome and multiform universe of femininity, which will be investigated in its many facets.
“DEEP BLUE SEA” 90x100 cm/ framed 110x130 cm Acrylic on canvas.
This painting means a lot to me. Nature is very important to me. It breaks my heart to see how we humans are destroying our beautiful planet. The ocean suffers! The animals, from the big whales, all the way down to the tiny little microorganisms, die! Without our ocean and its rhythm, the rest of the planet will die too. Overfishing and predation on fish destroys life and corals. But we can act - it's not too late if we do something now! Our children must also have a life on this planet! It is the responsibility of all of us
This painting is framed with recycled wood wood , it makes the painting come together beautifully. Framed, it measures 110x130 cm. The painting is coated with UV varnish which protects the art from airborne pollution and sun damage.
“MIDNIGHT RAVEN” 90x100 cm, Acrylic on canvas and 5 layers of resin with glitter.
This painting was specially made for a great Danish adventure feature film called WILD WITCH. It was transported all the way to Hungary where the film was shot and it became a beautiful film, with several of my artworks being a part of it. MIDNIGHT RAVEN has the Nordic and mysterious darkness , as I know it from Iceland. The raven's eye is made of 24k gold leaf- because ravens are sharp and observe everything around them. The raven holds a red rose in its claw, which lights up in the middle of the darkness, because in the darkness there is always hope.
This painting MUST be experienced face to face because it is impossible by looking at a photo, to see the depth and details created with 3 layers of resin and mica. It gives a beautiful shine, like glass. The moon is made by using a special technique called fluid art. It creates a beautiful pattern of shapes and colors. Framed with golden/black wood frame
“MOTHER” 120x120 cm, Acrylic on canvas and 24k gold leaf.
This painting is called MOTHER. Mother Nature. The primordial woman who lives in covenant with nature. The primordial woman who takes no more from nature than she needs to survive, and who gives back by taking care of the planet. I painted this painting when there was a lot of drought in Europe and big forest fires ravaged and destroyed everything. Animals and humans' homes were gone. Lives were lost. Massive forest areas are gone forever. "Pray! Pray for the rain, pray for nature, pray for our planet -love!", is tattooed on MOTHER´s arm. And with the ravens the rain came from north! Global warming is man-made and we must help each other return to our roots. Stop over-consumption, take only what we need, give back.
The painting is coated with UV varnish which protects the art from airborne pollution and sun damage.
“C I S” - Acrylic on canvas - 80x100 cm - Framed with a golden wood frame.
This painting is a symbol of love, and permission to be exactly who you are. I call this painting “C I S”. CIS is both male and female. CIS is feminine and maskuline, this person is strong and vulnerable. - A higher being of acceptance and trust and care for everyone around it. A lot of people struggle with the feeling of being wrong in one way or another. Or not fitting in! Im sure we have all felt it at some point of our life. We humans are herd animals and we need to belong. We need to feel accepted and understood, but most importantly, loved.
Let the wolf inside you free - you are fearless. People's opinion of you does not matter! love yourself exactly as you are, that's what matters! Be kind, smile to the person next to you, it matters. You are LOVED!
The painting is coated with UV varnish which protects the art from airborne pollution and sun damage.
40x50cm, Acrylic on canvas.
40x32 cm -acrylic on paper, glas and golden wood frame. The wild plants found in the Icelandic nature.
This painting I painted in Iceland. You will find many incredibly beautiful wild plants and flowers in the Icelandic nature. This painting is a small summary of some of these plants.
A while ago the CHILDREN OF THE STREET NGO/ GADENS BOERN - contacted me and there was no doubt in my mind when they asked if I would donate one of my paintings to the annual CHARITY GALLA EVENING.
The GADENS BOERN is such an amazing non-profit organisation, founded by Pia Lindell Qwist, an absolutely incredible woman and fiery soul, that work very hard to help the street children in India, Kolkata. These children are living a life no children should live! They have no one to give them love and support. They neither have anyone that makes sure they go to the doctor’s, attend school or get food in their stomachs. And they have no one to protect them against kidnapping, violence or sexual abuse. The right to be a child and to play are privileges that do not exist for them. It is heartbreaking! CHILDREN OF THE STREET helps these children with homes, schools, healthcare and love! All children need love and security, and it warms my heart to know that there are passionate souls who do everything they can to help here.
The Charity Gala last night was amazing - a very touching and beautiful evening hosted by the lovely Ole Henriksen and Tina Hjortshøj Bilbo, with entertainment, grommet dinner, but most importantly, a great charity action to raise money for the kids! More than 2.6 million was collected! Absolutely amazing! My painting MAMA PANDA also got a new home, and even though it was only a small part of the large amount, I was incredibly happy to be able to contribute – because every penny counts and helps! And as a personal bonus I got to meet Rikke Hertz - I’m a big fan and got totality stars trucked! Rikke is ambassador for Gadens Boern and helps the organisation a lot.
Sorg og glæde på én gang...
2020 har været et vanvittigt år…
Min elskede far, min pappi, gik bort d. 26. marts meget pludseligt. Han havde kæmpet en tapper kamp i 7 år mod en aggressiv kræft-sygdom. Min far var min klippe og mit støtte, og fulgte mig tæt på min kringlede vej som kunster. Tabet er stort og ubeskriveligt smertefuldt – han mangler hver dag!
Samtidig med hans død var jeg højgravid med min lille datter Salka Liv. Grundet en kronisk sygdom i livmoderen kaldet endometriose, kan jeg ikke blive naturligt gravid, men efter to års forsøg med diverse hormon-behandlinger, inseminationer og til sidst IVF lykkedes det endelig. Vores smukke lille pige kom til verden i maj, blot en måned efter min fars død, og på dramatisk vis – en fødsel der ente i akut kejsersnit, men hendes skytsengel morfar pappi, holdt hånden over os og alt endte godt.
Så står man der – midt i det smukkeste og bedste der nogen sinde er sket i livet, samtidig med det aller værste og hårdeste. Dyb sorg og den rene lykke på én og samme tid… Det er svært at finde balancen mellem disse modstridende følelser. Jeg har fundet ud af at det nemmeste er at lade hver følelse fylde når den kommer! Grin og smil når glæden fylder - og græd og vær vred når sorgen overvælder. Prøv ikke at bekæmpe det, bare være i det. Om man så står midt i Super Brugsen!
Oveni i alt der her har COVID-19 raseret! Udstillinger der blev aflyst- og først 4 måneder efter min fars død kunne vi invitere til en stor mindehøjtidelighed for at give ham den værdige afsked som han fortjente! Salka Liv har stadig ikke mødt alle sine familiemedlemmer og venner, og har heller ikke set sit land Island endnu, selvom hun er islandsk statsborger ligesom sin mor - men vi tager det stille og roligt og haster ikke, tingene sker når de skal ske.
Arbejdsmæssigt har jeg været i hig for at heale for en stund… jeg healer stadig men er begyndt at dukke lidt op til overfalden og trække ny luft igen. 2021 har gode ting i vente… Jeg kan mærke en ny lysere energi og jeg glæder mig til at gå den i møde.
Først og fremmest er jeg beæret over at blive kontaktet af NGO’en GADENS BØRN, som er en non-profit organisation der gør en stor indsats for at hjælpe gadebørnene i Indien til et bedre liv. Med skole, mad, et hjem, omsorg. Alle børn har brug for kærlighed og tryghed, og det varmer mit nye moder-hjerte at vide at der findes ildsjæle der gør alt for at hjælpe her. Derfor var jeg heller ikke i tvivl da de spurgte om jeg ville donere et af mine malerier til den årlige GALLA AFTEN, hvor der vil været et kæmpe show med underholdning, gourmet-middag og en stor aktion, hvor alle penge går ubeskåret til børnene. Gallaen afholdes d. 18. september 2021 på smukke Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport.
Link to Gadens Boern's Charity Gala 2021. Buy your ticket here and support the children!
Grief and joy at once…2020 has been a crazy year…
My beloved father, my Pappi, passed away on March 26th very suddenly. For seven years he had been fighting a brave battle against an aggressive cancer disease. My father was my rock and my support, and followed me close on my path as an artist. The loss is great and indescribably painful - he is missing every day!
At the time of his death, I was heavily pregnant with my little daughter Salka Liv. Due to a chronic disease of the uterus called endometriosis, I can not get pregnant naturally, but after two years of trying various hormone treatments, inseminations and eventually IVF, I finally succeeded. Our beautiful little girl came into the world in May 2020, just a month after my father's death, and in a dramatic way - a birth that ended in an acute c-cection, but her guardian angel grandfather Pappi, held his hand over us and everything ended well.
Then you stand there - in the middle of the most beautiful and best thing that has ever happened in life, at the same time as the very worst and hardest time in your life. Deep sorrow and pure happiness at the same time… It is difficult to find the balance between these conflicting emotions. I have found that the easiest thing is to let every emotion fill when it comes! Laugh and smile when joy fills - and cry and be angry when grief overwhelms. Try not to fight it, just be in it. Also if you are in the middle of grocery shopping!
On top of everything here, COVID-19 has raged! Exhibitions has been canceled - and 4 months after my father's death we could invite to a big memorial service to give him the dignified farewell he deserved! It was a long time to wait! Salka Liv has still not met all her family members and friends, nor has she seen her country Iceland yet, even though she is an Icelandic citizen like her mother - but we take it easy and do not rush, things happen when they should.
At work I have been in hig to heal for a while… I am still healing but have started to show up a bit to the surface and breathe new air again. 2021 has good things in store… I can feel a new brighter energy and I look forward to meeting it.
First of all, I am honored to be contacted by the NGO CHILDREN OF THE STREET, which is a non-profit organization that makes a great effort to help the street children in India to a better life. With school, food, a home, care. All children needs love and security, and it warms my new mother's heart to know that there are passionate souls who do everything they can to help here. Therefore, I was also in no doubt when they asked if I would donate one of my paintings to the annual GALLA EVENING, where there will be a huge show with entertainment, gourmet dinner and a big show. All the money goes uncut to the kids.
Jeg var ikke i tvivl om hvilket maleri GADENS BØRN skulle have. “MAMA PANDA” der symbolisere den ubetinget moderkærlighed som alle børn fortjener!
Gadens Børn Galla
OBS: Grundet COVID-19 er eventet blevet rykket til d. 18. september 2021 på smukke Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport.
Jeg har flere ting i støbeskeen og er ved at følge op på andre henvendelser fra nogle spændende projekter der måske indebære udstilling i Paris og måske Monaco i 2021 – Jeg holder jer opdateret når jeg ved noget mere…
I have several things in the pipeline and am following up on other inquiries from some exciting projects that may involve an exhibition in Paris and perhaps Monaco in 2021 - I will keep you updated when I know something more…
Hvil i fred elskede Jørgen Jespersen - min pappi. Altid med mig…
Art By Austa Lea in feature film "VILDHEKS"
Nu kan min kunst ses på det store lærred i den nye store eventyrsfilm Vildheks. Jeg takker Good Company Films for tilliden og et godt samarbejde. Det var en spændende opgave og mine malerier og kunstprints passer perfekt ind i det smukke mystiske univers.
Now my art can be seen on the big screen in the new big adventure film Wild Witch. I thank Good Company Films for the trust and good cooperation. It was an exciting task and my paintings and art prints fit perfectly into the beautiful mysterious universe.








Solo-exhibition “FEELING ICELAND” at the Icelandic Embassy.
I humbly thank you for the great attendance and the great experience! All my artworks were sold out in under an hour! I am grateful and look forward to more exhibitions in the future.
From my heart thank you to the Icelandic Embassy for the event. Ambassador: Benedikt Jóhansson and Trade and Culture Consultant: Stefanía Kristín Bjarnadóttir.
Driven by the dark nooks and crannies of the mind and the supernatural nature of wild Icelandic nature, the artist Austa Lea is now exhibiting at the Icelandic Embassy.
"FEELING ICELAND" is Austa Lea's first solo exhibition. The detailed and colorful paintings bear the imprint of the young artist's roots in Iceland.
"NATURE OF AÐALVIK" 100 X 70 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"VÆDDEREN" 80 X 8o cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"MOSS AND SKULL" 90 X 90 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"GLACIER FALCON" 80 X 80 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"DEAD FISH" - Inspireret af David Bowie. R.I.P 50X60CM - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
Art print Limited edition of 30 prints, signed and numbered - Sold out!
"LOVE AND LAVA" 90 X 90 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"RAVEN" 50 X 50 cm- Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"SNEAKY FOX" 80 X 80 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"DREAMING PUFFIN" A4 - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
50x40cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
A4 Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
"ICELANDIC WOMAN" 90 X 90 cm - Acrylic on canvas - black wood frame.
Tak til den Islandske Ambassade for det flotte arrengement. Ambassadør: Benedikt Jóhansson Handels og Kulturkonsulent: Stefanía Kristín Bjarnadóttir.
PIL spillede live til ferniseringen på Den Islandske Ambassade. PIL er moniker til 23-årige Telma Pil, der eksperimenterer og udtrykker sig i den elektroniske musikgenre: fra rå til organiske lydlandskaber. PIL er progressive beats, pulserende synths og et lettere ubeskedent strejf af bas med en døsig og dragende vokal i front, alt sammen pakket ind i et atmosfærisk lydunivers af uforudsigelse detaljer, der tilsammen danner den røde tråd i PILs kunstneriske udtryk. Følg med i PIL´s univers her Soundcloud og Facebook.
PIL played live for the opening at the Icelandic Embassy. PIL is a moniker for Telma Pil, who experiments and expresses herself in the electronic music genre: from raw to organic soundscapes. PIL are progressive beats, pulsating synths and a slightly unassuming touch of bass with a drowsy and alluring vocal in front, all wrapped in an atmospheric sound universe of unpredictable details that together form the common thread in PIL's artistic expression. Follow PIL´'s universe here Soundcloud and Facebook.